Sunday 28 February 2010

Only 3 on the Tavy

Malcolm Day, Steve Bate and myself enjoyed a pleasant trip down the Tavy on Saturday 27th Feb. The two grade 3 rapids did claim a scalp each and we walked the final weir just before Denham Bridge. The line river right looked possible, but debris on the lead-in would have slowed the boats down too much. The tow back on the rest of it looked lethal at about 2 boat lengths. Steve and Malcolm even enjoyed a friendly exchange of words with the retired solicitor (no notices pinned to the car windsreen this time).

This shows most of the weir. The boil in the right of the photo looks nasty as does the tow back on the rest. You can just see the shoot and slide on the far right of the river.

There looks like a cave behind this! There is a huge piece of steel sticking out of the weir very close to the left bank. The water is also very shallow beneath the drop.

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